EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
COMMERCIAL PARTNERS MANUFACTURING PARTNERS EnGen Institute has experience in technology transfer and a strategy to commercalize new sustainable systems technology. Following conceptualisation, research and laboratory prototypes to establishing design knowledge, the technology module will commence field trials in order to prove designs and establish production designs. At this stage Commercial Partnerships can be formed while the manufacturing process is developed in parallel with final production designs. These Commercial Partnerships can include negotiating rights-to-manufacture in return for investment in tooling-up for production and trial unit production. There may also be scope for including participation in Industrial Research Partnerships which may secure grant funding. PILOT INSTALLATION PARTNERS When the technolgy transfer process has completed field trials, tooling-up for manufacturing and trial production, pilot installations are then the focus. If your community, town, city or other organisation is interested to be the venue for a ‘World Leading’ Total Sustainability project we would like to hear from you. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS EnGen Institute has established and will establish further spin-off companies to commercialize and deliver the Total Sustainability systems it is developing. These Spin-off companies are able to deliver projects and work with Project Development Partners.
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