EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
EnGen Institute’s long term funding goal is to attain the necessary level of
funding, by being productive and providing services to society and
government, to become self-sufficient to the extent that the institute is
able to fully support its mission and work towards realizing it’s long term
This can be achieved by providing research services and conducting research
with research partners to produce solutions and applied science IP. This IP
can be licenced for manufacture or to spin-off companies (industrialization)
which then establish commercial partnerships (commercialization).
EnGen Institute is a Registered Charity with Deductible Gift Recipient status.
Donations are fully tax deductible. Collabortation involving research funding
may entitle commercial partners to R&D tax concessions.
Any monies earnt or received through research contracts, royalties,
donations or grants from Corporations, Foundations and private individuals
enables EnGen Institute to qualify for matching grants from government,
usually on a $ for $ basis.
EnGen Institute is aware that Total Sustainability of human
and natural Life Support Systems can only be achieved with
the consent and willing participation of society and
government and consequently structures its activities and
funding goals to ensure that they build socio-cultural and
ecological capital as well as economical capital.