Industrial Economy & SocietyOur science, technology, economy and society is transitioning from the 19th century industrial model underpinned by ‘Energy & Matter’ based science, production line technology, a trade dominated economy and consumer society to the -Cellular Economy & SocietyThe 21st century ‘Cellular Society’ is underpinned by ‘Information, Energy & Matter’ based science such as -–Constructor theory, quantum information, systems biology, epigenetics,–Post-Darwinian evolution (driven by cooperation not competition) where --Information (communication, culture, ideas & design)is global-Energy production and useis local-Material use (100% recycled, transformed & reused)is localThe Transition to a Cellular SocietyComputer Technology and the global Information Economy is only the first stage of the transition to the Cellular Society. The 2nd stage, which is already underway as energy becomes local & renewable and materials conserved & recycled, is the Programmable Matter Economy based on Constructor Technology. EnGen Institute’s EarthBase development program will enable local self-contained economies or ‘economic cells’ nested within national & regional economies.