STRUCTURE & METHODLEGAL:Perpetuation Vehicle: EnGen Trust Activation Vehicle: EnGen InstituteMISSION:Mission Objective > Mission Architecture > Programs > Projects > Research & ImplementationPROJECT:Each Project is a separately funded work unit with Research & Implementation stagesRESEARCH METHODOLOGYINFORMATION CYCLE:Theories & Concepts >> Specificatopm All projects commence with an information phase in which problems and issues areformalized as a specification. The appropriate theories and concepts are identifiedand a preliminary conceptual design produced together with project requirements for data collection and analysis which is then the starting point for physical design.PHYSICAL CYCLE: Design & Prototype >> TrialsThe project specification and conceptual design has to be converted into a physical designwhich requires analysis of implementation alternatives and the material, personnel, plantand schedule constraints. When the best alternative is identified the physical design isdeveloped and converted into production information (CAD > CAM, Shop drawings etc).The construction phase then commences, followed by acceptance testing and operation with data collection and analysis.INTEGRATED RESEARCH SYSTEM: Coupled Pure & Applied ResearchEach physical stage provides feedback to the information system closing the ‘figure of eight cycle’and if necessary instigating a further refinement cycle in which both the information and physical systems are improved and evolve.