EnGen Institute specializes in the science of systemic and developmental systems, such as
the architecture of organic and ecological systems, and applies this systems science to natural,
technological and social systems, in particular, to the design, development and implementation
of technology and infrastructure systems for sustainable life support, industry and society.
Systemic systems
are ‘organic’ wherein a whole incorporates many mutually dependent parts
or ‘organs’ that have functions such as –
- metabolism, circulatory system, digestion, catabolism or
- energy production, transport, materials refinement, construction
are necessarily complex as they address the total requirements for life-support
Environmental sustainability
necessarily requires -
- considering the full life-cycle of all subsystems of the system and
- recycling & regeneration of all subsystems, component & materials
Developmental systems
necessarily involve -
- the transformation of information to physical outcomes
technological developmental systems transform -
- knowledge --> design --> manufacture --> deployment --> operations
Technology Transfer
is only completed with -
- social engagement and consent - including environmental approval
- engagement with enterprise and investment
EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
Systemic Modelling based on
Nested Cellular Organic
System Models
Cellular Organic Systemics