BEYOND CLIMATE CHANGE - EARTH RESTORATION Survive and Thrive strategies will have greatly reduced CO2 emissions, pressure on ecosystems due to rainfall & river flows being co-opted for human use and returned land to ecosystems due to more efficient food production in climate- controlled greenhouses enabling reforestation. However, this does not directly address the geosphere physical environment on which the biological environment is dependent. The Revive strategy seeks to directly address settings within the the physical environment of the global geosphere. That is, with the Revive strategy our focus turns from climate-control of internal environments in built structures to controlling or moderating climate change in the external Earth environment. The Earth restoration program consists of technology projects, that only become possible with the increased productivity and automation developed by the Thrive strategy, to both mitigate climate change effects & reverse climate change by enhancing and accelerating the natural geosphere climate processes, for instance - Ocean Energy & Climate via LaRosa’s tidal energy proposal Cooling Coral Reefs via utilizing sea temperature variation ANCR (Accelerated Natural Climate Recovery) to restore CO2 balance while reducing ocean acidity. In restoring Earth to a precious Eden in the vast emptiness of space, human civilization will learn how to create and maintain natural life support ecosystems essential for space settlement.
EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
Biosphere City
Sustainable Biosphere City systems measure all their inputs & outputs to the external world, including natural systems in their hinterland and are fully aware of their impact on nature. By increased recycling, urban food production in climate-controlled greenhouses and giving land and water back to nature the impact of cities on nature is reduced so that cities can be in balance with nature. When biosphere technology is the norm, culture and government will recognise the right of other species to the planet as much as ours.