REGENERATIVE SYSTEMSCONSTRUCTOR: A mechanical Generative System, or Constructor, can [by definition] produce any structure/mechanism/machine within the universe defined by the materials-components-subsystems on which it operates. This requires both generative design software to design not only the final structure/mechanism/machine but its assembly/joining sequence and processes and constructor operating system software, which can be but are not necessarily integrated.DISASSEMBLY: When assembling-joining processes are reversible a structure/mechanism/machine can disassemble by reversing the sequence of assembly-joining processes. Repair automation within logistical systems is enabled by reversible multi-stage (material>component>subsystem) generation.REGENERATION: If appropriate sensing capability exists in the materials-components-subsystems and is connected throughout the final structure/mechanism/machine (Internet of Things technology) with appropriate software then ‘self’-repair/regeneration becomes possible.This requires distributed software that can, when the final structure/mechanism/machine sustains damage or wear, identify worn/damaged areas/subassemblies and map a viable disconnection boundary for disassembly, potentially recover and recycle the worn/damaged area components, then reassemble the final structure/mechanism/machine with new material-component-subsystem modules.CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATION: Many types of construction automation for railways, tunnels, bridges, high-rise buildings etc exist that can install and repair infrastructure. This requires systems and subsystems to facilitate and support construction and installation by being designed to include ‘internal’ logistics. The ‘self-constructing’ jetty shown opposite is an example of this methodology.REGENERATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE: If reversible multi-stage constructor-based regeneration is applied to construction automation for built structures and infrastructure transformative architectural possibilities become available for the design of towns, industrial estates, cities and automated transport & logistics.