EnGen Institute has applied to lease an
established College Campus suitable for
purposeful research & engineering of life
support systems Environment Generation.
The facility has lecture and seminar rooms,
research laboratories, dinning facilities, and
can accommodate 80 staff, post-doctoral
researchers and graduate students. These
college facilities enable disaster resilience,
spacebase, industrial automation, controlled
environment agriculture (CEA) research,
plus teaching programs (STEM outreach)
and public interest climate change solutions.
EnGen Institute has developed a ‘Floating Lab’
to test tidal current energy harvesting systems
and components such as open-flow turbines,
powertrain, instrumentation, power electronic
etc as the Deal Is site has strong tidal currents.
News in brief...
Reliable 100% Renewable Ocean Energy
EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
Commonwealth Lighthouse Service interested in
ENGEN remote area logistics & maintenance
research, invited ENGEN as per Commonwealth
Government policy, to establish a permanent
remote research station and sea-safety presence
in the Bass Isles with lighthouse facilities on Deal
Is & to maintain sea safety communication.
Then with NASA Advanced Life Science Division
expressing interest to collaborate in ENGEN’s
constructor and biosphere research, EnGen
Institute was established with Australian and
Victorian state government support and
facilitation to further this research in Australia.
Crown land use and control, and Commonwealth
representation and authority, was transferred to
the person of the principal researcher without
term who provided sea safety services unpaid.
NASA’s Advanced Life Support Division expressed interest in research and demonstration of EnGen’s
teleoperated, self-assembling, self-repairing sealed biosphere technology at Deal Island, a remote
isolated site. EnGen also proposed toxic hazard containment and hospital ICU sanitation automation
to eliminate Antibiotic Resistant Organisms. Australia had no Space Research or Disaster Resilience
funding, but EnGen on a very small budget undertook universal machine shop & sustainable energy
development. The Tasmanian Green Party lobbied to acquire Deal Island which the state seized.
Our facilities, research equipment and sea safety service were lost. As a result just 6 months later 6
lives were lost at sea, following a nearly fatal accident the manning by Greens halted after 2 years.