EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
STEM EDUCATION Consider the transformational systemic technologies of electricity, flight and computers and the rate and scale of social change they instigated. Faraday invented the electric generator in 1831 and the first AC power grid was built just 76 years later. From the Wright Brothers first flight to the Apollo Moon landing took just 66 years. From ENIAC, the first electronic computer, in 1943 to the start of the Internet took just 50 years. These systemic technologies transformed entire industry sectors (power & machinery, transport & travel, and communications & control). When the Spanish Flue pandemic ended in the early 1920s people were completely unaware that the computer age would begin in the following decade let alone foresee how it would change the world. Yet we know that Babbage understood computer design in the 1820s and Turing was analysing AI in 1950, so specialists developing new systemic technologies can have insights decades ahead of the general public or scientists in other fields. Constructors were invented in the late 1940’s, that is about 70 years ago, so its commercial/ industrial use outside research labs is likely imminent. Constructor technology is also systemic and will transform entire industry sectors (automation, manufacturing, infrastructure). It will supersede polluting industrial era technology, address climate change, create new jobs, require new skills and change the lives and perspectives of the generations that are now students, who will develop this advanced life focused technology. STEM education in life-support-systems, generative design methods and constructor automation will provide post-graduate, graduate then secondary students with the knowledge to develop new technologies for space, physical and biological sciences, engineering, computing and business. The transition to a cellular society is already underway and accelerating with local renewable energy, 3D printing, fab labs, local food production from aquaponics & vertical farms and maker communities. The internet enables online banking & shopping, working at home, online learning, telemedicine, ‘smart house’ home automation and for anyone to broadcast media.