EnGen Institute 1992 - Present

Star Rating

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Survival Systems can be ranked with a number of stars according to the level of survivability they provide - none - The occupant(s) has no hazard protection or containment facilities at all and is totally dependent on a supply line(s) with no capacity to survive without continuous resupply. 1 Star - The occupant has single hazard type protection and is able to source life support essentials from the local environment however this local supply is unprotected from hazards. 2 Star - Hazard Protection (external hazard) or Hazard Containment system against one or more hazard types preferably with integrated multi-hazard protection or containment. 3 Star - Life Support System (LSS) secured against multiple hazards by the hazard protection or containment system, however the LSS is dependent on stores and has limited duration. 4 Star - LSS Recycling - via technology to recycle life support materials (air, water, food) & maintaining a livable environment (remove excess CO2, humidity & temperature control, sanitation, etc). 5 Star - Reparable Survival System where all the technology comprising the Hazard Protection or Containment System (HPCS) and LSS system is reparable by the occupant(s) from technology stores. 6 Star - Survival System (SS) Regeneration. All SS technology can be produced within the SS from ISRU or recycled SS materials and repairs affected while the SS remains operational.
A 1980 NASA Lunar Spacebase Arcitecture study described teleoperated spacebase construction from an initial 100 ton ‘Space Seed’ that mined and processed lunar materials to construct all the machines, structures and biosphere habitat for astronauts to later occupy with all the plants required for life support. To achieve this 6-Star Survival System NASA proposed using Constructor Technology based on computer pioneer John von Neumann’s Theory of Universal Construction .