SUSTAINABLE POWER The ultimately energy system is low-cost, compact fusion power, in particular the boron hydrogen reaction with direct magneto- hydrodynamic electricity generation, coupled with electrolysis to produce H2 fuel. This pollution-free, high-energy future still produces heat when the copious power is used so that removal of excess greenhouse gases from the atmoshere is still required. As this remains unrealized, the best solution is 100% renewable energy from reliable, non-intermittent sources such as ocean (tidal current & wave), geothermal or solar thermal energy coupled to non-polluting distributed energy storage. Remote isolated communities that are currently dependent on expensive, imported, diesel fuel based generation have the greatest need to have 100% renewable power ASAP. EnGen Institute has focused on tidal power for island communities as it can provide guaranteed power and hence guaranteed desalinated water, has high energy density, does not need to use scarce island land and requires less energy storage capacity. Guaranteed, bulk, clean energy to power electric vehicles can completely eliminate the need for expensive, imported fossil fuel without impacting, like bio-fuel production, on the availability of land for food, housing, recreation and nature.
EnGen Institute 1992 - Present
Tidal currents are not-intermittent (ie. cycle slowly without dropout), frequent, predictable & reliable, have high energy density and both climate and weather independent. Tidal current power, with a small known amount of energy storage can provide guaranteed demand tracking 100% renewable energy.
Trend to Reduce Carbon Content of New Fuels Tidal Renewable Energy Cycles
Climate & Weather Independent
Guaranteed Power and Water