DEVELOPMENT PATHAPPROACH: EnGen Institute prefers the ‘Man-Machine System’ approach to developing Life Support Systems with people and communities in control of technology that facilitates the expression and development of human capacity and creativity. Our approach is to solve problems on a small local scale first developing modular integrated solutions then deploy proven solutions on a larger scale. The following design methodology is being incrementally developed -SIMULATION MODEL: Simulation-Based Design and Model-Based Development (sometimes called ‘Digital Twin’) methods are used to produce knowledgebases for Knowledge-Based Engineering with Generative Design capability via Design Automation tools.DESIGN GENERATION: Generative System methods are applied to the complete development life-cycle of systems with design refinement, during concurrent product & process development, using design knowledgebases for design, production and documentation generation.LIFE-CYCLE BASED: Designs are developed based on the complete life-cycle of a product - that is - design, evolution from conception through to maturity, considers not only the designs operational characteristics and cost, but its manufacture, deployment & installation, then maintenance, repair, recovery & recycling via closed-cycle, reversible logistics.MODULAR DESIGN: All systems are, wherever possible, composed of modular subsystems for reliability via redundancy and to allow repair while system is operational.SELF-INSTALLING: This requires systems and subsystems to facilitate and support their own installation by being designed to include ‘internal’ logistics. See Regenerative Systems